Management Consulting for Small Business Owners
Delivering 25 years of experience and expertise working with small business owners
SnapBiz provides management consulting for small business owners using online informational & educational content, in addition to zoom conferences and onsite visits, if necessary. Interacting and working with over 800 individual owners and thousands of employees has created expertise that small business owners can tap into. In that period of time, there are certain foundational elements that have become very clear. These foundational elements are the basis from which SnapBiz delivers management consulting to small business owners.
Did you design your current business model or did the model just evolve under you over a long period of time?
A lack of a designed model with appropriate policy and protocol may be holding you back.
Do you believe that working very hard on your business every day will guarantee profitability & success?
That’s usually not the case.
Do you use your financial information to assist you in managing your business or do you simply give it to your CPA and let them deal with it during tax time?
Do you assume too much about your business or your employees and the work they are doing?
We all know what assumption can lead to.
When is the last time you reviewed your business from the top to bottom and bottom to top?
Most owners spend more time planning vacations than planning their business.
Are you struggling in a family-owned business?
The good news is (it’s a family business), the bad news is (it’s a family business).